Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wow, so I have not posted in AGES. Sorry for that!

I have been so busy at work, and also been going for interviews at another recruitment agency. I am really praying I get that job!! The place seems SO much nicer, although I will be working MUCH harder and won't have much time to play.

Damian is doing SO well, I cannot believe that everyday, he grows more and more into my little boy! He has 6 toofies now, and is walking everywhere! He is also loving his daddy so much, and particularly loving our cat, Achilles. Damian has a little truck with Peek-a-blocks, and for the first time yesterday, I watched him correctly put the square peek-a-block into the right place on the truck, I was SO proud of my boy!!! He is also eating a little better, but still not a big fan of solids. Seems he eats better at creche than he does at home!!

Brian is also doing well, we have a surprise party for him coming up on Saturday, since he is turning 30 on Friday! I am SO excited and can't wait for him to see all his friends, it has been hard work keeping this party a secret and organising everything!!!

Brian and I on the other hand are barely in a relationship, which really hurts. We have agreed to talk about it and to try and finally resolve things once and for all. I really pray this works out and we can in turn start and continue our happy life together.

I will try and post some pics of Damian and my everyday life as soon as I get the chance.

My mom's op is on Tuesday, 26 June, and I have taken the day off to be with her. I will then be staying at my mom while she is in hospital. I will hopefully be able to update more often then.
These pics here were taken 2 Sundays ago at Suz's place, Suz also took the pics, AMAZING, I absolutely LOVE the pics!!!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Right, so today is Sunday, and I am at my mom's place on my own with Damian. I just put Damian to sleep and am here updating my blog. We went to Suz's house this morning to take pictures of Damian. I think they are going to look SO amazing!! It was nice to spend some time with Brian and have just the 3 of us again. Brian is terribly sick and we are so worried Damian will get sick too! I am still at my mom's place, and although I miss home so much, I know my mom also needs my help here at her place, and part of me really enjoys staying here too.

Damian cut another toofie yesterday. It is the tooth next to his big top tooth on the right, it looks SO cute!! Damian now has 5 toofies and I just can't believe how big and strong he grows everyday! He ate almost a whole fried egg this morning (he LOVES egg!) and his eating seems to be getting a little better, although we still batlle now and again since he eats so little.

These pics that I have attaches were taken today. It was quite difficult to get Damian to stand still, so they look a bit funny.

The sleeping one was taken on Thursday evening.

It was a mission to try and figure out how to download pics to my mom's computer, but I think I kinda have it, so will try and post pics as often as I get the chance!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

1st day,,,

So I finally managed to put Damian to sleep at 19h30. I am tired yet excited. Just printed my cv for my interview tomorrow and I am sitting here with freezing cold hands and creating this blog. I love keeping diaries, and have neglected to write in mine for ages, so maybe me doing this is a good thing!

Worried about how I am going to get to the interview tomorrow. Flip, I really hate being so dependent on people for transport. I feel useless without a car.

Damian was ok this evening. For the past 2 nights, I have been battling to get him to sleep, so he only goes down EVENTUALLY at around 9:30pm. Today he never had his afternoon nap and went to sleep at 7:30, so maybe that is the answer? I found out today he has dropped his morning nap at creche, I don't know if it is good or bad...will have to see...although he still has a morning nap on weekends...

Have been sleeping at my mom for a week now. I really miss home and I feel like Brian doesn't want me there. He says he is sick and doesn't want us to catch it, but what do normal families do? Although, with me sleeping over at my mom, I am able to help her since she can't even walk anymore. We SO can't wait for her hip on the 26th!